Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week of September 1st

Reminder: Monday is Labor Day... No School! 

I want to thank all of the parents who were able to make it to Back-to-School Night last Wednesday. If you have any further questions about what I covered, or forgot to cover as the case may be, feel free to email me at

Thank you to all who signed up to volunteer in the classroom! I have some scheduling issues to work out so I will be contacting you all this week, and volunteers can start coming in next week, Monday, September 8th. Look for an updated volunteer schedule coming home Tuesday. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week of August 25th

I can't believe we are already starting the third week of school!! So far our year has been great - the kids have been so sweet and eager to learn!

This week we will...

...continue reading Island of the Blue Dolphins. The class will have their first quiz on chapters 1-10 this Wednesday.

...continue Chapter 1 in our Social Studies unit. We're learning all about the regions of California and working on our map-reading skills.

...start our first Writer's Workshop project. Students will be writing about a "Memorable Moment" from their own life. We'll be focusing on the writing process, as well as writing a clear beginning, middle, and end to their stories.

...have our first visit to the school library. Our library time this year will be Fridays at 9:15.

...get ready for Back-to-School Night!! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you parents this Wednesday at 6:30. Remember, this is a Parents-Only event. It is an opportunity for me to explain how our classroom runs and to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Please email me at with any questions! 

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mid-Week Update

There has been a change in the homework schedule for tonight and tomorrow night. On the schedule for tonight was a worksheet on the "Iditarod", related to the story we've been reading in class. This will now be Thursday night's homework. Tonight I have assigned Lesson 3, Problems 9-25 in their math textbook. We just received our textbooks today and wanted to give the students an opportunity to get acquainted with them. The other assignment for tonight is to practice multiplication facts. The class will be given their first timed-multiplication test tomorrow.

If you have any questions, please email me at Unfortunately my classroom computer is being difficult and not letting me check email, so I won't be checking it until I am home this evening.

I look forward to seeing you all at Back-to-School Night next Wednesday, the 27th, at 6:30.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

On to week two...

Our first week went really well, and the kids seem excited about starting a new year in the fourth grade! 

This week we will dive into the curriculum. The social studies unit we're starting with is all about the geography of California. We've begun reading Island of the Blue Dolphins as a class, and we've also started into the reading textbook with a story about the Iditarod titled "Akiak". 

Homework will start this week. I'll be sending home a letter explaining the homework routines and what to expect over the year. The weekly homework will be posted on this blog, along with a lot of other important information, so it's a good idea to bookmark the site and check it often. 

Back-to-School Night is scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th. 
Monday, September 1st, is a holiday - No School! 

If you have any questions, please email me at
 Thank you!