Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mid-Week Update

There has been a change in the homework schedule for tonight and tomorrow night. On the schedule for tonight was a worksheet on the "Iditarod", related to the story we've been reading in class. This will now be Thursday night's homework. Tonight I have assigned Lesson 3, Problems 9-25 in their math textbook. We just received our textbooks today and wanted to give the students an opportunity to get acquainted with them. The other assignment for tonight is to practice multiplication facts. The class will be given their first timed-multiplication test tomorrow.

If you have any questions, please email me at Unfortunately my classroom computer is being difficult and not letting me check email, so I won't be checking it until I am home this evening.

I look forward to seeing you all at Back-to-School Night next Wednesday, the 27th, at 6:30.

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