Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week of April 20th

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a restful, sunny spring break! We're down to the last 7 weeks of school... I can't believe how quickly this year is going! The next few weeks bring a lot of fun activities, both in our classroom and school-wide. Please remember to check the blog at least once a week, as there will be a lot of important information posted in the coming weeks. 

*  If you're looking to donate to the class, we are still in need of more pencils, pencil-top erasers, and kleenex. 
* STAR testing will begin the week of April 27th 
 * May 6th brings our next fieldtrip to New Brighton State Park for an interactive history program. Please return the signed permission slip as soon as possible. There is not a fee for this trip, and all parents are welcome to join us. 
* The annual golf tournament/dinner/auction is coming up on Friday, May 8th. Registration forms are available on the Rio school website. 
* Open House will be Wednesday, May 20th. The time will be announced soon. 
* June 3rd brings the end-of-year fourth-grade party at the local KOA.  Permission slips will be sent home soon, along with more information about the event. 

This week we will...
...begin our Poetry unit. For the next several weeks, we will be learning about, reading, and writing poetry. 

...continue learning about the relationship between fractions and decimals. There will be a test covering chapter 19 this Friday. 

...check in on the science projects. Tuesday I'll be checking students' hypotheses and procedures/steps. 

...begin our California research reports. All of the fourth-grade classes will be doing this project. Students will choose an area of interest in California history. For the next week or two, we'll be using class time to research and write rough-drafts. Final-drafts and visual components will be completed at home. I'll have more information posted here soon. 

...prepare for the upcoming California standardized tests (STAR). 

...see a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream by "Shakespeare-to-go" Friday morning.  

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