Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

*Change of plans: No math homework Thursday, Math test postponed till next week*
It was wonderful to see so many room 9 parents at the dinner/auction Friday night! I hope you all had as much fun as I did! 
Thank you to all of the parents who chaperoned/drove our fieldtrip last Wednesday... and thank you all for being so flexible with the pick-up time. 

- California Reports are due next Monday, May 18th. Students may turn them in early if they wish. The presentation schedule is posted on the right. If a presentation requires any sort of technology (powerpoint, dvd, etc.) please let me know ahead of time. 

- This Wednesday the 13th is the Parent Appreciation Tea (2:30 in the library). This is an opportunity for the staff to show our gratitude for all of the work the parents do. 

- Next Wednesday the 20th is Open House (6:30-8:00). I hope to see you all there! Flyers are coming home Monday with information regarding the 4th grade bake sale that takes place during Open House. 

- Anyone feel like binding?? I'm looking for a volunteer to bind our poetry books. This would be Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (the 19th or 20th). If anyone is interested in helping out, it would be greatly appreciated! 

This week we will...
...continue working on our poetry books! We'll be wrapping up our rough drafts and starting the final drafts later this week.

...learn some geometry! This week we'll be learning about triangle classifications, angles, lines, and so much more. A test will be on Friday covering chapter 25. 

...start "BizWorld", an interactive business simulation in which students will learn all about starting a business, finance, investments, selling a product, and more. 

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